Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010


fun... cleaning... sparkling... fresh thoughts... singing... hygiene... public?... private... but japan... pleasure... warmth... relaxation... time... drops... pure... life... source... energy... center... 

why do we bath here and not somewhere else?

Japanese bathhouse, 1901 /  Japan: the place and the people, by Browne, George Waldo, 1851-1930

japan...soaped and cleaned before entering the bathtub... hierarchy says who enters first...guests will be offered this privilege... 

a sweet bath: illumination from Peter of Eboli, De Balneis Puteolanis (The Baths of Pozzuoli), written in the early 13th century

middle ages, western hemisphere: public bathing in larger villages and cities... uh, but etiquette and churches and public nudity... so medical manuals advised people to wash only the parts of the body which are visible to the public (ears, hands, neck)... richer people started to build their own baths in their sleeping rooms... cleanliness of the body stood for cleanliness of the soul, the body got replaced by the linen... the public bathing was wiped out and left the cleaning to the privacy of one's home... 

Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

smb # 12: Duchamp

besetzung: berlin, 18.09.2010
thema: duchamp
entfernung der bilder auf anfrage der teilnehmenden: berlin, 07.02.16 

smb # 11: sandy craus - regeneration

one morning... 

smb # 10: brydee rood - I never knew you existed (dedication to the blobfish)

berlin, 23.08.2010

most colourful... air is water, water is air... elements... enjoy the freedom...

smb # 9: stefan riebel - atlantic

first permanent installation... messer + abflußsieb als utensilien ...  wunderfeine momente und einzigartige bilder...sekt...stilgerechte einweihung... ein atlantic in meinem bad!

smb # 8: antonia nordmann / katja puder - bandjamming #5

unbelievable, it was still summer then... 

smb # 7: jule kunschke - lesung aus dem tagebuch

berlin, 4.07.2010

sich finden, die zeit, den raum, das gefühl... katze...anpirschen und anschmiegen gleichsam... ruhe in sich... feines gefühl der wärme die ganze zeit über - por el cielo!!! 

smb # 6: beatrice fleischlin - ringo

berlin, 21.06.2010

nach einem anstrengenden konzertabend im bad des hotelzimmers... ohne groupies, ohne alkohol, nur eine einzige letzte zigarette ... 

smb # 5: hubert hasler - styrian talk

berlin, 09.05.2010

das bad auf 40 grad aufgeheizt - kamera beschlägt nicht... lange, lange warten bis die wanne voll ist... unterhaltung bricht los...